St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA

Year 2

Summer 2023

During the summer term, year 2 studied 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. We explored microhabitats and identified the different plants and animals. We designed and created a microhabitat using cereal boxes and different natural materials from around the school ground. We then identified where the microhabitat would benefit the different animals. We monitored the amount of animals that moved in!

Spring 2023

This term, we have been exploring everyday materials. We have been able to identify a variety of different materials and describe their properties. In groups, we built bridges using a different materials to test their suitablilty.

We explored how some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. We also investigated which materials are waterproof and would be suitable for a raincoat.

Autumn 2022

During the autumn term, year 2 explored 'Growth' in science. We identified and described the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival. We also explored the importance of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. 

We also enjoyed our STEM Day with Fran from C-STEM!

Summer 2022

In science, we explored Animals, including humans and plants.

While studying animals, including humans, we explored the basic needs of animals for survival and we identified and explained the imprtance of exercise, eating the right foods and hygiene. We drew and labelled our typical day identifying how we exercised, what healthy food we ate and good hygiene. 

We loved exploring plants! We were able to identify, observe and compare seeds and bulbs. We researched what plants need to stay healthy - water, light and a suitable temperature. We also created the 'Life Cycle of a Plant' using various materials.

Spring 2022

During the spring term, year 2 identified and described the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival. They also sorted animals into their offspring and adults. 

We also explained how a balanced diet, regular exercise and good hygiene keep us healthy.

Autumn 2021

Throughout the autumn term, year 2 have been exploring the uses of everyday materials. We identified different materials and their everyday uses. We used our iPads to capture uses of different materials around the school. We investigated how some materials can be changed and manipulated by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. We also researched how paper is made and then made our own paper.

Spring 1 2021

During this half term we have all worked very hard from home, remote learning and have adapted very well to learning on Zoom! We began our topic by exploring the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We then compared habitats, identifying animals that live in it, including micro-habitats. We ended the half term ordering living things in a food chain!

Autumn 2 2020

During this half term, we have been looking at Seasonal Changes. As we are currently in Autumn, moving into Winter, we are collecting data each week for 6 weeks, recording the temperature, the wind direction, the wind speed and the rain fall. Therefore, we have all made our very own Weather Vane to use ourselves each week!

Autumn 1 2020

During our first half term in Science we have been looking at Everyday Materials. We have been looking at different materials such as wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock, paper and cardboard. For one of our experiments, we made our very own Recycled Paper! The children had so much fun creating their own paper, choosing what colour paper they wanted and adding glitter. The following week they then got to write on their very own paper!

Autumn 2019

As part of our topic, Animals including Humans, we have been identifying healthy food and how much of them we should eat.  We also suggested ways in which we could improve our diets by creating healthy meals using Playdoh.


Summer 2018/19

Today, we talked about what plants need to grow.  The children suggested soil, water and sunlight.  Together they planted some sunflower seeds to perform a comparative test.  One will be given sunlight and water; one will be only given water; one will be only given sunlight; one will not be given sunlight or water. We will compare their growth after one week. 


Today we started a new topic in Science - Plants.  We discussed what we already knew about plants, flowers and trees, and we able to identify some common flowers.  We went outside, observed and drew a tree, a flower and a leaf.  We labeled the different parts of a tree and flower.