At St Pius X we teach printing in the EYFS and Year 1, in-line with government recommendations. From Year 2 onward, children are taught pre-cursive and by the end of the year they are expected to join their writing. The entry strokes are a vital step in this process. At St Pius X we use our progression map to sequence our teaching of pre-cursive and then cursive. In the EYFS and Key Stage 1 we have discrete handwriting lessons. In Key Stage 2 handwriting is taught discretely once a week and then practised and applied in English lessons and Spelling lessons.
We have worked hard to raise the profile of writing, especially the presentation and pride children take. Once a child is able to join neatly, fluently and confidently they are awarded a pen.
Our handwriting scheme can be seen below.
IEYFS and Year 1 Formation
Year 2-6 Handwriting Formation