St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA


At St Pius X we teach printing in the EYFS and Year 1, in-line with government recommendations.  From Year 2 onward, children are taught pre-cursive and by the end of the year they are expected to join their writing. The entry strokes are a vital step in this process. At St Pius X we use our progression map to sequence our teaching of pre-cursive and then cursive. In the EYFS and Key Stage 1 we have discrete handwriting lessons. In Key Stage 2 handwriting is taught discretely once a week and then practised and applied in English lessons and Spelling lessons.
We have worked hard to raise the profile of writing, especially the presentation and pride children take. Once a child is able to join neatly, fluently and confidently they are awarded a pen. 
Our handwriting scheme can be seen below.
IEYFS and Year 1 Formation

Handwriting Progression

Year 2-6 Handwriting Formation

Information for Parents

Parents are encourage to support their children to use the scheme wherever writing opportunities present themselves. These include:
-Christmas cards,
-shopping lists,
-gift tags,
-birthday cards, etc.
Alternatively, pupils could practise some of the individual letters their child struggles with? In addition, please ensure your child applies the handwriting scheme when completing their homework.
Parents are asked to model the correct formation when modelling writing and supporting their children at home.