Welcome to Year 1
Autumn 2024
Year 1 have made a fantastic start to the academic year. The children settled into Year 1 quickly and were able to adapt to their new classroom and expectations.
The children have already been on two trips this term! In Autumn 1 we went on a walk to How Tun Woods. The children spotted human and physical features then looked for signs of Autumn. In the second half of the term we travelled to Manchester to visit Manchester Runway Visitor Park and The Science and Industry Museum.
We have been enjoying our Design and Technology lessons learning about sliders and levers. The children have designed, made and evaluated a Christmas card for someone at home to show them they love them.
Finally, we have been practising hard for our end of term Nativity. This year, Year 1 are the main choir and we've been busy learning the songs.
Summer 2024
It has been another busy term in Year 1.
We have been swimming for the first time with school this term and we are all so much more confident in the water, compared to when we started.
In history, we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. We had a special visit from the fire fighters, who came to talk to us all about how it has changed and what their job roles are now. We all also got to squirt water from the hose and have a go at sitting in the fire engine.
We have been making free-standing structures in design and technology - we wanted to find out how to make the strongest bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff to cross.
We had so much fun on our summer trip to Lakeland Maize Maze. We fed the animals, went on a tractor ride and had lots of fun playing and making crafts.
We are ready for a break now and are very excited to move up into Year 2 after summer!
Spring 2 2024
We’ve had such a busy half term in Year 1. We enjoyed World Book Day together, dressing up as our favourite colour. The whole school focused on the book ‘Mixed’ and we did lots of exciting activities throughout the day, including mixing food colouring for the icing on our cakes! We’ve also been to the library this half term - we love being able to dress up and share our favourite stories with our friends in cosy areas!
In history, we’ve been learning about travel and transport in the past and in the present. We went on an amazing school trip to Lakeland Motor Museum and we then hopped on a boat from Lakeside to Bowness, where we enjoyed some delicious ice cream!
In design and technology, we’ve been researching, designing and making smoothies. We even invited our grown ups in to try our smoothies and help us to evaluate them - they were very impressed!
Spring 1 2024
Autumn 2 2023
What a busy, exciting half term we have had! We went on a trip to the library on the Stagecoach bus and paid the driver for our bus tickets. We wrote all about it in our recounts when we were back in school. In history, we have been learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot through role play, singing and art activities. In design and technology, we have learnt all about mechanisms and have made our own Christmas cards using sliders or levers for our families.
This half term also has been filled with Christmas excitement for us as we prepared for a very special time. We started by thinking about Advent and what it means for us. We made our own Advent wreaths and made baubles for our Jesse Tree. We decorated our Christmas tree together, took part in Christmas performances, visited the pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, at the forum with our whole school and enjoyed our Christmas parties together. We are so excited for Christmas!
Autumn 1 2023
We have settled into Year 1 very well this half term. We have been learning all about where we live in geography. We have been using different types of maps to locate key features in our local area and to find our own houses. We went to How Tun woods and spotted some of these features that we had been finding on our maps. It was lots of fun! In RE, we have been learning about God’s creation and why it is important to take care of the world that God created for us.
Summer 2 2023
Our last half term in year 1!! What a year. The children have grown up so much over the year and I am so proud of them all. I will be sad to see them go. The children absolutely loved their end of year trip to Lakeland Maize Maze. They went on a tractor ride, fed animals, and went on a MEGA slide!
Good luck in Year 2!
Summer 1 2023
What a busy half term! In Summer 1 we enjoyed sports day, completed the phonics screening check and sang at St. Pius X Calling. The children absolutely wowed me during the phonics screening check. Every single one of them tried their very best!
During St.Pius Calling we sang our hearts out! Even though it rained this didn't dampen our spirits! We sang charanga songs that we have practised throughout the year.
We are excited for our last term in Year 1.
Spring 2 2023
Wow where to start?! We’ve been swimming, enjoyed inspiring infants with Barrow Football, and been on a trip on Haverthwaite Motor Museum. The motor museum was a fantastic trip out, the children learned lots about transport in the past and finished the day with an ice cream in Bowness.
We also celebrated World Book Day. The children looked amazing!! We read the story ‘Invisible’ by Tom Percival. It was a moving story and the children had a long discussion about what they’re grateful for in their lives.
Spring 1 2023
The children came back from the Christmas break excited for the new term. We began the year with a trip to Barrow Library. We spent the morning completing lots of fun activities, reading stories and dressing up. We’ve been making fantastic progress in phonics since we started our new scheme in September. The children love their ELS lessons and we’ve started learning alternative spellings! This was tricky at first for us but now we’re flying through them! Another fantastic half term for us all.
Autumn 2 2022
This half term Year 1 have been very busy! The lead it up to Christmas is always an exciting time in school. The children did a wonderful job singing during the nativity play and practised really hard.
We also enjoyed a trip to the Forum to watch Room on the Broom. In the days following we wrote some amazing retells of the story.
Well done Year 1 on a great half term!
Autumn 1 2022
Our first term in Year 1, and what an amazing one its been!
We've learned so much and had great fun too. We enjoyed a trip to How Tun Woods to identify human and physical features of our local area. We sang beautifully at a coffee morning in front of friends and family, drew some outstanding self portraits and so much more.
In English we performed a poem called 'The Nut Tree' by Julia Donaldon, in Maths we've been learning about place value and in RE we retold the story of Noah's Ark.
I am so proud of how well the children have settled into Year 1 and I am confident we are going to have a fantastic year. Well done everyone on a wonderful first term.
Miss Wright
Summer 2 2022
Our last term as Year 1! Wow, where has the time gone?! What an amazing year it has been. It has been a pleasure to watch Year 1 grow in confidence, independence and resilience as the year has progressed. This term has been action packed with trips to the beach, building bridges, and writing some amazing stories. The children have worked incredibly hard all year and have earned a well deserved break. They will continue to be superstars in Year 2.
Summer 1 2022
Oh we do like to be beside the seaside! This half term we've loved learning about seaside holidays in the past, we voted and most of us decided that holidays nowadays are more fun!
We performed our last class assembly and the children spoke with so much confidence. It was great to see how grown up they've all got!
We took part in a STEM day where we built some amazing creations from lego and learned how to program a beebot, it was great fun and we learned a lot!
We are excited for our final term in year 1.
Spring 2 2022
Spring has finally sprung and we have enjoyed the warmer and sunnier weather. Our Geography and Science topics this half term have focused on the weather and how it affects our lives. We created some beautiful Spring finger paintings and became weather presenters.
We celebrated World Book Day and our costumes were AMAZING. We read the story 'Journey' and came up with our own imaginary lands. On World Book Day we also spent the afternoon in the woods exploring and having fun. The children described the day as their "BEST DAY EVER"!
In Art, we have been learning how to collage, using lots of different materials and finding out how to combine them to make a picture. We have been learning how to experiment in our sketch books using a mix of medias.
Well done Year 1 on another fabulous term.
Spring 1 2022
After a lovely Christmas break, Year 1 were happy to return to the classroom.
This half term we have enjoyed learning new skills in our first Design and Technology project. We created cards for our loved ones that used sliders and levers. They looked amazing!
We loved learning all about The Wright Brothers! We wrote non-chronological reports in English which were so good Mr McGoldrick used his gold pen to write some amazing comments in our books. We were so proud of our fantastic writing!
We also went on a trip to Walney Airfield where we spotted a plane landing, enjoyed our lunch on the beach and managed to save our food from any cheeky seagulls!
Autumn 2 2021
Another fun filled half term for Year 1!
This half term we have been learning about the history of St. Pius X. We had a very special teacher come to visit, Mrs Tumelty! She told us what school used to be like when she was Headteacher at St. Pius X. We felt very lucky to have interviewed her.
We had a strange suitcase delivered to our classroom along with a note in it from a giant. Wow! How amazing is that? We tried on all of his HUGE clothing. We couldn't believe how big they were!
In November we went on a class adventure to St. Paul's Woods. It was very exciting! We made leaf rubbings, listened to stories and took part in a nature walk.
In December we were busy in class preparing for Christmas and to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus. It was a very special time leading up to Christmas and the children performed for the first time in a nativity performance in front of friends and family. The children excelled themselves with beautiful singing and an amazing stage presence.
Well done Year 1!
Autumn 1 2021
Where to begin! What an exciting first half term we have all had.
The children settled back into school life really well. They have all grown up over the Summer and come back eager and enthusiastic to learn. This half term in English we have been learning about the author Julia Donaldson, reading and writing poems, and learning how to write labels, lists and captions.
We have been reading lots of stories in class, one of our favourite stories was What the Lady Bird Heard by Julia Donaldson. We enjoy reading so much we even won the reading area competition! We love our new reading garden.
We went on our first school trip this year to How Tun Woods. On our walk we had to identify human and physical features. We spotted so many, from Barrow Town Hall to the grassy fields near the woods. The children's behaviour was exceptional and we are already excited for our next trip!
The children worked hard during our whole school Art Day. We learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and his use of primary colours. We made our own artwork inspired by Mondrian's.
A great start to the school year for everyone. Well done Year 1.
Summer 1 2021
During this half term the children got to experience their very first school trip in Year 1. We had a fantastic time on travelling to Walney beach on our school mini bus. This trip was part of our Geography enquiry and we investigated the human and physical geographical features of Walney beach. On our return to school we compared these to the human and physical features of other seaside town.
Summer 1 was also time for the children to learn about internet safety with Miss Mallinson. This year especially the children have been heavily reliant on technology and specifically computers. It is there for extremely important that the children know how to be safe online. To do this, the children made some fantastic posters!
Spring 2 2021
This half term saw the return of all the children who were all extremely pleased to be back!
In Maths this half term we have been learning about measurement. We have learned how to measure objects and how to compare them against other objects. We then had a great time getting outside and practicing these skills on some chalk lines that had been drawn on the playground.
In English this half term we took part in a whole school writing challenge. The challenge was to write an informal letter based on the book 'The day the crayons came home'. The children enjoyed exploring the thought and feelings of the crayons in the book before writing the letter, as well as some of the children dressing up as crayons themselves for World Book Day!
Spring 1 2021
This half term school has continued to be closed for the majority and so learning has continued remotely. We have had a small bubble of children who have been with us most days and we have continued to follow the curriculum along side the home learners.
This half term in RE we have been focusing on families and celebrations. Below you can see some photo frames we have hand made. We then spoke about why our family means so much to us and what we can do to help those at home.
Throughout the Spring 1 we have taken part in numerous ‘Fitness Fridays’ where we would take a Friday afternoon to get active and relive stress through physical activity. It has been great fun!
Autumn 2 2020
At the beginning of this half term we were forced to isolate for a two week period and undergo a period of home learning. Throughout this time the children worked harder than ever and adapted to learning from home very quickly.
Our topic this half term was ‘Pirates’. We learned key facts about famous pirates such as Blackbeard, performed a pirate song and created our own maps of the school grounds. In English this half term we re-told the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We enjoyed using the iPads to learn the story and create a story map of the main events before writing.
Finally, in PE Mr Thompson has been teaching us a series of multi-skills revolving around ball handling. We have enjoyed learning how to catch, throw accurately , roll, stop and travel efficiently with balls and other objects such as bean bags.
Autumn 1 2020
This half term we were extremely happy to be back to school. Everyone has settled in brilliantly to life in year 1.
In English we had a brilliant Roald Dahl themed day. Our book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we enjoyed describing Charlie’s house, inventing our own candied treats and even making our very own chocolate factories.
In topic we have been learning about ‘Where we live’. We took a look at local artist John Duffin and had a go at painting our own skylines in his style which look fantastic on display!
Spring 2 2020
Throughout this half term we have learned all about toys and teddies. We have enjoyed learning about the origin of teddy bears. We found out that the term teddy bear came from Theodore Roosevelt and how he refused to harm a real bear. We then planned and designed our very own teddy bear which we would then make in our D and T lessons.
In PE this half term we were able to have a fantastic experience learning to swim at Barrow Leisure Center
Unfortunately this term was cut short due to COVID-19 so we were disappointed when we couldn't finish our teddies.
Spring 1 2020
This half term we began with a fantastic trip to the public library. This linked nicely with out theme of transport as the children got to ride on the bus. They even planned their own route to and from the library. When we arrived back at school the children learned how to write a chronological report and they wrote all about their trip.
This topic taught us all about the history of transport and how it has changed over time. The children produced a timeline of transport through the ages.
In PE we had the pleasure of Inspiring Infants coming in to teach us multi-skills. The children had a fantastic time getting hands on with all sorts of sporting equipment: Hockey sticks, basket balls, tennis rackets and footballs.
Autumn 2 2019
Throughout this half term we have been learning all about Pirates! The children have been learning all about famous pirates such as Blackbeard. We had a fantastic pirate themed day where we dressed up and took part in pirate themed activities all day.
We also had a fantastic pirate themed day where we dressed up and acted like pirates. We also had the opportunity to perform a pirate song to the rest of the school and some of our parents in assembly.
In PE this term we learned how to perform different jumps, and more importantly how to land them safely.
Autumn 1 2019
This half term we have been looking at 'Our Local Area' we have investigated the human and physical geographical features of the school. We have also enjoyed visits from previous head teachers of St. Pius X who told us all about how the school used to be before the children stared here!
In PE this half term we have once again enjoyed the expertise of Mr Thompson. We have been enjoying learning how to throw, bounce and stop objects effectively.
We have had a fantastic start to the year and everyone has settled in to Key Stage 1 brilliantly!
Summer 2 2019
This term in Year One we have looked at the Seaside and enjoyed a trip to the beach. We even got an ice-cream. While we were at the beach we spent some time exploring and looking at all of the different things on a beach, we saw some Jellyfish too!
This term we have also been lucky enough to have some lovely weather. We have done lots of PE and continuous provision outside and have really enjoyed taking our reading books outside into the sun.
Finally, we have been getting ready for Year 2! We have made stars and a solar system ready for our new classroom.
Summer 1 2019
This half term in Year One we have been lucky enough to be able to do PE outside in the sun! We’ve enjoyed playing dodge ball and learning to throw accurately with Mr Thompson.
We have also been learning all about space, we’ve spent some time looking at The Solar System, how rockets are launched into space and now we’re making our very own rockets in design and technology.
Spring 2 2019
This term in Year 1 we have learnt all about toys, old and new and how they are similar and different! We really enjoyed looking at the Pogo Stick and how people played with this.
We have spent lots of time outside learning about fractions and even got to use pancakes to help us find a half of a shape!
We have been very lucky this term and have been learning lots of multi skills in PE, we have done things such as hockey, football and even basketball.