St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA

Welcome to Year 5

Autumn 2024

Welcome to our Year 5 page. This term has been exceptionally busy and we have settled into our new class well. 

We have learned about drawing using printing in Art and we learned about the artist Tiers Algers. 

We had our first class Mass at Our Lady of Furness and then followed this with an excellent visit to Barrow library. 

An absolute highlight of this term was our Viking Day where we were visited by Olaf the Viking. We loved learning about what life  like in Britain during this time.

We raised money for Mary's Meals by dressing in blue.

Summer 2 2024

In this half term we took part in the Bright Stars Enterprise scheme. Here are some images that explain what we did and who we raised the money for. We really enjoyed working together as a group and we believe our team building skills have improved a great deal. 

Summer 1

We had a fantastic residential trip to Waterpark on Lake Coniston. We particularly loved Ghyll Scrambling in the rive. We were  scrambling directly up a mountain river, but in the water rather than by taking the more traditional (and dull!) path along the side! We had such a wonderful time staying in the beautiful house and having adventures together we didn't want to leave. 



Spring 2 2024

In this half term we were looking at printing in Art. We studied Sally Adkins and Graham Firth and voted for the style we wanted to recreate for our class piece. We had Garry Gifford, a local print artist, in to help us. We enjoyed doing this and we are very much  looking forward to our final piece of printed art work being exhibited at Print Fest at the Coronation Hall in May. We also sang for the Rotary and our parents which was lovely We sang one of our favourite songs from Young Voices - 'Today's gonna be a great day!'

Spring 1 2024

In this half term we planned an assembly for the whole school based on road safety. We made posters for each classroom and wrote and performed a rap poem based on road safety. We went out onto our local main road and did a speed survey to help us understand the dangers of traffic around our area. As a treat for this we were visited by the Police Dogs - we loved that! We also studied the planets in Science and produced our own solar systems. Many of our class are in the school choir and we went to Young Voices in Manchester which was amazing. 


Autumn 2 2023

This half term we had a very exciting trip to the Fire Station as part of us being Mini Police. We looked at the fire equipment and the roles of the Fire Service and also basic emergency first aid. We have very much enjoyed being part of the Mini Police this term and we are excited about what we will do next.

We had a great time skills building with FESP doing fantastic activities with local businesses. We joined other schools in  the local area to build out critical thinking skills and our cooperative learning.


Autumn 1

Year Five have had an really good half term. The most exciting thing that happened was becoming Mini Police. We have had sessions on Fire Safety before Bonfire Night making posters to help pupils in the school to keep safe. We also did a litter pick at How Tun woods to show our commitment to helping out local community. We have entered a Christmas card competition representing the Mini Police and we are hoping one of our designs is successful and gets printed!

Summer 2

Year 5 ended in the school year in the most spectacular fashion. We opened our own business called Project Pius working with BAE and the Bright Stars project. We made wacky sack sensory toys and sold them to the school community. We raised over £170 for Autus, a local autism charity. 

We enjoyed a fantastic Greek day as part of our History studies, where we all dressed up as Ancient Greeks and tasted food, took part in an Olympics and wrote using the Greek alphabet.

We also had a great day walking up Coniston Old Man, Coppermines Valley with a mountain guide as part of our Geography studies on Mountains. We learned so much about the landscape and how it was used. 


Summer 1

This half term has all been about our amazing trip to Water Park in Consiton. We had the most incredible time kayaking, climbing, canoeing, hiking, ghyll scrambling, and most of all building the most amazing class community. 

The children supported one another brilliantly and many new friendships were formed. Many of us overcame fears too! 


Spring 2 2023

Wow, what a whirlwind of a half term! We have learned so much!

This half term we have thoroughly enjoyed a wide range of enrichment activities. We had a visit from a musical ensemble and listened to classical and modern music being played on the piano and cello. 

STEM has been at the forefront of much of our learning experiences. We attended the Furness STEM event where we immersed ourselves in fantastic STEM activities delivered by local businesses, We loved the visit from Professor Pumpernickel who blew our minds with wonderful chemistry and biology demonstrations. We also loved our rocket workshop, where we had the opportunity to apply all we had learned about air resistance in our Science study of forces. 

We ended the half term with a brilliant river walk whre we used our geography field-work skills to take measurements, look at water samples and make observations about the human impact on the river. 


Spring 1 2023

Year 5 have been involved in so much exciting learning this half term. 

We started the half term with a visit to The Imperial war Museum North in Manchester to see the World War 1 exhibitions and The Lowry to have an art workshop with an artist. It was wonderful have the opporutnity to consolidate our learning from Autumn term. 

In Science we have been learning about Earth and Space, and the children enjoyed modelling their own solar systems and the phases of the moon. 

We visited Barrow library where we practised our paired reading and read aloud to a younger audience on our return to school. 

We have also been delivering our own Prayer and Liturgy sessions to the class each week and have shown wonderful prayerfulness.