St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA


HRSE/RSE Leader: Matthew Marshall

HRSE/RSE Governor: Josie Savage

HRSE Curriculum Intent Statement

At St Pius X our HRSE curriculum is broad and balanced and based upon the Department for Education's Statutory RSE guidance and the CES model HRSE document. We use the scheme of work 'Life to the Full' produced by Ten:Ten Resources as a basis for our teaching and modify the scheme to best support our children and community.

Our curriculum is based upon the key teachings of our faith, centred around our core Gospel Values and enables all learners to gain the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Our teaching in this subject is coherently planned in a two-year sequence and has rigorous progression towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning.

Our HRSE curriculum provides many exciting and creative learning opportunities, both through the scheme of work, cross-curricular teaching and a number of subject enhancement opportunities.

Our planning is designed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all our pupils. It enables learners to study the full curriculum, which fulfils the National Curriculum requirements to help children to develop to their full potential both educationally but also in matters of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Protected Characteristics

At St Pius X, our HRSE curriculum is guided and framed by our Equality Policy, Objectives and Action Plan, but additionally, we follow guidance published by our HRSE scheme provider. This includes what schools are expected to teach about the Protected Characteristics, as well as information about how Ten Ten Resources supportsCatholic primary and secondary schools in this area through the programme, Life to the Full.

This guidance draws together key insights from documents produced by the Department for Education, Ofsted, the Catholic Education Service, the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, and selected Church documents.

By drawing on the information within these documents, the guidance aims to provide evidence of how Life to the Full supports our holistic approach to an education which opposes all unjust discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and fosters good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it

Long Term Plan

Programme Pathway

Please note that this pathway shows the order of teaching, but we have distributed the modules more evenly over the year. Please see the long term plan, above.

National Curriculum Coverage


Each Unit of work has an Assessment Activity associated with it. Each unit has one simple Assessment Activity. The activities take into account the Learning Objectives of the sessions within the unit and provide before and after evidence that learning has taken place.

Children complete the assessment activity in one colour before the activity, and then return to the same sheet writing in a different colour to explore how their understanding has changed.


Below are examples of assessments from each key stage:


Key Stage 1

Lower Key Stage 2

Upper Key Stage 2 

Enrichment/Cultural Capital

We aim to constantly improve our enrichment and cultural capital offering in HRSE. Currently, the the subject is enhanced by the following:

  • A number of cross-curricular opportunities particularly in RE and Science
  • Kid Safe
  • First Aid sessions in all year groups (TBC)
  • Visits from the school nurse
  • Drugs and alcohol talks in Year 5 and 6
  • Visits to the local fire station for Young Citizens (internet safety, drug and alcohol awareness, personal safety)

Information for Parents

The parent consultation period is now closed. Thank you to those parents/carers who responded for your positive replies and support.

Following the closure of the consultation period, the link to the parent consultation tool in the letter below will still provide access for new parents to explore and understand the content of 'Life to the Full'. Any questions about content should be addressed in the first instance to the school office and they will be followed up by the HRSE Lead or Head Teacher.

To help to support your child,  in your role as primary educator, parents/carers can use the long term plan to find out what your child is going to learn at each point in the year. You can then follow the link below and use the login details shown to access the Online Parent Portal. Here you can find a brief overview of what your child is learning and some suggested home activities to support and enhance what is being learned in the classroom.


Online Parent Portal

You will need the following login credentials for our school:
Username: st-piusx-la14
Password: mountain-walk