St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA

Catholic cluster

Catholic schools in the area have come together to create Furness & Millom Catholic Cluster.

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

Furness & Millom Catholic Cluster consists of the following schools:

  • Holy Family Catholic Primary School - Barrow,
  • Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School - Barrow,
  • St Bernard's Catholic High School - Barrow,
  • St Columba's Catholic Primary School - Walney,
  • St James' Catholic Primary School - Millom and 
  • St Pius X Catholic Primary School - Barrow,

The cluster has appointed a School Improvement Co-ordinator, Kate Waplington (ex. Headteacher of Holy Family) to help promote consistency across the cluster. Her role consists of the following: coordinating and supporting Headteacher appraisals, producing termly comparative reports for Governing bodies, coordinating peer-to-peer support, taking responsibility for Leading Teachers and individual school support where needed.

The primary schools in the cluster have a shared School Business Manager, Paul Lewis. Paul regularly liaises with the School Business Manager from St Bernard's Catholic High School, Maureen McKendry

Peer-to-Peer Support Structure

St James' - St Pius X

St Pius X - St Columba's

St Columba's - Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart - Holy Family

Holy Family - St James'

Meeting and Moderation Dates

Annually, dates are set for headteachers, phase leaders and subject leaders to meet and moderate.

Leading Teachers

Furness & Millom Catholic Cluster has appointed the following Leading Teachers to help support and improve our schools:

Tracie Roberts (St Pius X) - Mathematics,

Carmen Athersmith (St Columba's) - Mathematics,

Seira Crabb (Sacred Heart) - English,

Helen Evans (St Columba's) - English,

Simone Beach (Sacred Heart) - Special Education Needs & Disabilities,

Kevin McGoldrick (St Pius X) - Phonics,

VACANCY - Early Years Foundation Stage and

Claire O'Donnell (St Columba's) - Religious Education.