St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA


Please click on the below forms to complete editable versions, which should be returned to school via email or the School Office.

 Leave of Absence form.docxDownload
 Leave of Absence form.pdfDownload
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Consent Forms

Consent forms should be completed when your child starts school. These forms are valid for your child's whole school life at St Pius X Catholic Primary School.

If you would like to change any of the details held about your child or permissions already given please call the School Office. It is the Parent/Carer's responsibility to inform school of any details that have changed.

 Consent Letter & Forms.docDownload
 Gift Aid Form.docxDownload
 Home School Agreement June 18.docDownload
 Internet Consent.docDownload
 Permission to Walk Home.docDownload
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