St Pius X Catholic Primary School

'Restore all things in Christ'

01229 828406

Schneider Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 4AA

               Welcome to Year 6

Autumn 2 2024


In PE, we have been doing Gymnastics and Team Building Activities. We practised our forward and backward rolls and tried new balances. In Design and Technology, we have been sewing. We made phone cases from felt and Christmas cards. We used cross stitch and back stitch to complete our designs.  We went to Manchester this half term. We visited the Manchester War Museum as part of our World War Two topic. We found the visit exciting and interesting. We learnt lots of new facts. After this we went to see ELF at the Palace Theatre.  In Computing, we learnt how to design websites and looked at different school websites. We think ours is the best! Our Art project has been about Street Art. We applied techniques explored through the unit to produce some creative work.  .As part of our Christmas performance we got to dance on stage and sing .This was our last school Christmas performance at St. Pius X .



By Year 6

Autumn 2 2024

In Year Six, we have been writing World War Two radio announcements. Here is an example of what we have been doing.

Autumn 2024 

Year Six have loved spending time with their new buddies from Reception. They have decided to learn to play some songs, which they think their buddies would like, in Music to perform to them. This week they learned Baby Shark!

We have been studying Global Population in Geography and we have done a field trip to the area just outside our school and collected data and used the Likert Scale.

Summer 2 2024:

Well, we have reached the final term of Year 6 and the end of our primary school journey.

We are ready for the next step to secondary school. We have made our teachers so proud and they will be extremely sad to see us go.

This term we have enjoyed so many exciting and final events including our final Mass, a huge water fight, our leavers' assembly and of course our amazing residential to London. 


Summer 1 2024:

We have been very busy in this first half of the Summer term. 

We completed our SATs with 100% effort from everyone. Our teachers are so proud of us. 

We still managed to squeeze in time to go to Furness College for a Future Engineering Careers event where we worked with businesses to problem solve and work as a team. We had to budget, manage resources and present our products to the class. 

We enjoyed a visit from an Olympic athlete where she really put us through our paces!

We also loved designing, making and playing maths games with our Reception class buddies. 

Spring 2 2024

Year 6 have enjoyed another short but very busy half term. 

In Art, we have been learning photography and we studied macro photography, photomontage, digital art and photo realistic portraits.

In Science, we have been investigating changing componants in circuits and learning how to draw circuit diagrams accurately.

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Lowry Theatre in Manchester to watch a live performance of 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' which we had read last year. 

Our librarians have also been very busy organising our new books: £500 worth of graphic novels as requested by the children, and a donation of over 50 books from a local business. 

Spring 1 2024

Spring first half term has been been great in Year 6!

We have loved learning about Light in Science and have carried out many investigations about refraction, reflection and separation of light. 

In Geography, we learned about energy sources around the world and recorded arguments for and against different renewable energy sources for a housing development. We even wrote to our local MP!

Our children have continued to lead beautiful Prayer and Liturgy sessions each week and even led one for the Year 3 class. 

Autumn 2 2023

We can't believe term one of Year 6 is over already!

This term we have been learning about World War 2 in history and we loved exploring a range of primary sources and making predictions about their uses like real historians. We also visited the Dock Museum for a talk about World War 2 in Barrow. 

In art, we have been studying Henry Moore. After sketching in chalk, pencil and charcoal, we created sculptures outside with snow and photographed them,. This inspired us to make maquettes out of clay and modroc in the style of Henry Moore. 

We spent the day at Furness College for an engagement and enrichment day, where we got to visit each of the departments and try some aspects of the courses they have on offer. 

For the first time we ran a Dojo shop for the whole school. It was brilliant!

And finally, we have performed in our very last nativity at primary school. We all shone like absolute stars!


Autumn 1 2023

We have made a great start to Year 6 and settled into the responsibilities of being the oldest children in the school really well. 

In September, we were paired up with our new Reception class buddies and we have been helping them settle into school life by reading to them and playing with them at playtimes.

Our Librarians have continued in their role with a few new ones too! They have run 'Love Your Library' sessions for all children  from Reception to Year 4 so far.

We have enjoyed our Geography studies, learning how to carry out field work properly by doing traffic and litter surveys, asking members of the public questions and comparing areas of different population densities. 

In Science, we have been learning about the circulatory system and conducted investigations into the rate of blood flow, and how osmosis and diffusion occur. 

Finally, we have also written our Prayer and Liturgy sessions and several groups have led these sessions for the class already.

Summer 2 

Our Art and History topic learning is about learning about the the Maya Civilisation. We are making papier mache Maya masks.  We also had a fantastic trip to London. We visited the Tower of London and  Westminster Abbey amongst other really interesting places. We went to see the Lion King and we absolutely loved it - so much that we performed a dance to the Circle of Life in our Leavers' Assembly. 

Summer 1

What a busy half term we have had! We had adventures as well as a lot of hard work. We went to Moor Forge up near Wigton to see what life was like for a Viking. We really enjoyed looking at the Long house and the weapons. We had a lovely trip to Barrow Library where we practised our reading skills for our Reception buddies. In DT, we were making pizzas and we asked our buddies for their favourite flavours. In computing, we looked at filming techniques and made our own films.

Spring 2

We have had a very busy half term. We have learned about Fair Trade, and we based our class assembly on this. We brought in Fair trade items, and they are being taken to the Foodbank. We have had some very exciting science days and experiences too. We had a brilliant time at the Furness Stem show. We also had a lovely day learning about the Angelus. This was to celebrate the feast day of the Mater Christi Trust. We did artwork that contributed to a triptych combining art from Years 4, 5 and 6.

Spring 1 2023

In this half term, we had a lot of fun with our Art topic. We were using collage to make self portraits and also Viking longboats. We were inspired by surrealist artists such as Picasso and we became very creative in our choices of materials we used. This fitted in really well with our History topic of Vikings. We are going to visit Moorforge, a Viking longhouse, soon and we will put photos up on here once we have been.

Autumn 2 


In this half term,  we studied World War 2. We studied its chronology and the causes of this war in context of World War 1We looked at the effect that it had on women’s lives pre war and post war. We discussed evacuation and also read the book Goodnight Mister Tom. This gave us an insight into what it must have been like for a child to be evacuated at this time.

Autumn 1 2022

This half term we have met our new Reception buddies which has been lovely. We made cards for them, read stories together and played with the outdoors equipment. 

At the start of the year, we were involved with a brilliant Art project based on Anne Frank. This involved learning about her and then thinking about injustice in the world. This then moved onto self portraits and how to see ourselves in different ways and how to reflect these ideas in our portraits.  Then we went to Barrow Library and saw our portraits in the exhibition. 

Summer 2 2022

The end of this year was really exciting for us as we went on our residential to London. We had a fantastic time. Our highlights were: visiting the Houses of Parliament; going to the very top of St Paul's Cathedral; looking at London from above on the London Eye and seeing The Lion King. This was an amazing experience for us and a great way to finish our journey through St Pius all together. 

Summer 1 2022

This half term we have been lucky enough to have had some excellent STEM experiences which have really enhanced our scientific and mathematical thinking.  We had a fantastic STEM day with C-STEM learning how to program robots using LEGO MINDSTORMEV3s. This helped us to gain knowledge, use creativity, build resilience and learn the importance of working as a team. We also had a brilliant STEM morning at Furness College run by @FESP showing us how fun Science can be.